5 research outputs found

    Light Spectrum Speckle Analysis in Roughness Material Identification by Using Naïve Bayes Classifier Based Equalization Histogram Adaptive

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    Speckle imaging is a method that has been used in various fields. This method can be used to analyze the surface roughness of an object. Speckle imaging uses laser light and observes speckle patterns formed from light interference on the surface. The speckle imaging method is very safe and does not require any contact so it is easy to detect the roughness of an object. In this research, two types of sandpaper were used as rough surface objects. Speckle images of the sandpaper surface were created using three laser diodes with different wavelengths, namely 405 nm, 550 nm, and 650 nm. Image processing in this research begins with pre-processing methods, image segmentation, feature extraction, and then the classification process. The feature extraction process uses an Adaptive Histogram. The classification process uses the Naïve Bayes classifier method. Based on the research results, it was found that variations in the wavelength of the light spectrum affect the results of the Adaptive Histogram image features. The accuracy of Naïve Bayes classification increases if the wavelength used in creating the speckle image is shorter. Identification accuracy increased from 92% to 96% due to the use of speckle images resulting from diode laser irradiation from 650 nm to 405 nm

    Smart Greenhouse Design for Strawberry Cultivation in Pandanrejo, Batu City

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    Batu City, which is famous as a tourist city, is not only an urban area. Most of the Batu city area is a rural area, especially the northern area which is included in the Bumiaji sub-district. As a tourist area, Batu City has a large enough economic potential to improve the welfare of its people. Most of the people of Batu city who live in rural areas are fruit and vegetable farmers. Pandanrejo village in Bumiaji sub-district is an example of a strawberry-producing village in Batu city. Various problems are faced by strawberry farmers in Pandanrejo village. One of them is related to the uncertain weather conditions in their village. The ITS Physics department team provides solutions related to these weather conditions with an innovative climate conditioning technology that can be applied in agriculture. This technology is a smart greenhouse in which there is control of environmental conditions for strawberry plants. With the application of smart greenhouse technology, it is expected to increase the productivity of strawberries and the welfare of the farming community of Pandanrejo village, Batu city

    Desain Sistem Klasifikasi Kelainan Jantung menggunakan Learning Vector Quantization

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    Electrocardiograph (ECG atau EKG) merupakan alat diagnosis yang mengukur dan merekam aktifitas listrik jantung. Analisis sinyal EKG sering digunakan untuk mendiagnosis beberapa jenis kelainan jantung. Pada penelitian ini, kami merancang sistem jaringan syaraf tiruan untuk klasifikasi citra elektrikardiogram. Metode pemrosesan citra digunakan untuk ekstraksi fitur citra EKG dan proses klasifikasi menggunakan learning vector quantization. Beberapa data elektrokardiogram digunakan sebagai data pelatihan dan pengujian jaringan klasifikasi. Tiga jenis kelainan jantung dapat dideteksi oleh sistem. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa akurasi algoritma klasifikasi adalah sebesar 89% yang terdiri dari 9 normal, 4 bradikardi, 8 takikardi dan 7 aritmia

    Studi Bandwidth Antena Mikrostrip Struktur Bi-Quad Hingga Bi-Circular

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    Karakteristik antena ditentukan oleh sifat-sifat fisika bahan antena, struktur antena dan geometri antena. Berbagai metode telah dikembangkan untuk mendapatkan karakteristik antena. Metode-metode tersebut dapat berupa simulasi menggunakan sebuah software desain antena mikrostrip seperti CST atau berupa pengukuran karakteristik sebuah desain antena menggunakan peralatan ukur seperti network analyzer. Kedua jenis metode tersebut pada dasarnya adalah metode uji coba (trial-error). Hal ini disebabkan oleh belum adanya pengetahuan tentang kaitan antara karakteristik antena dengan parameter-parameter antena tersebut. Dalam penelitian disertasi ini dipelajari kaitan bandwidth antena dengan salah satu parameter desain antena yaitu struktur geometrinya. Tujuan penelitian disertasi adalah untuk mendapatkan sebuah karakteristik bandwidth antena mikrostrip berdasarkan perbedaan struktur geometri. Dua metode pendekatan dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu metode simulasi dan metode eksperimen. Untuk keperluan ini, diteliti dan dianalisa bandwidth dari dua struktur geometri antena mikrostrip yaitu struktur bi-quad dan struktur bi-circular. Langkah-langkah dalam penelitian disertasi adalah: (1) membuat simulasi penentuan bandwidth antena bi-quad dan bi-circular, (2) membuat fabrikasi kedua struktur antena dan mengukur bandwidthnya menggunakan network analyzer, (3) mengembangkan model antena bi-poligonal untuk mendapatkan formula kaitan antara struktur geometri antena dan bandwidthnya dan menggunakan data-data hasil simulasi dan pengukuran untuk validasi model tesebut. Hasil penerapan model antenna bi-poligonal pada desain antenna bi-quad dan bi-circular telah memperlihatkan bahwa penyebab terjadinya perubahan bandwidth dan pergeseran frekuensi kerja adalah perubahan nilai induktasi dan kapasitansi antena karena perubahan geometri desain antena dari bi-quad menjadi bi-circular. Perubahan geometri antena dari bi-quad menjadi bi-circular menyebabkan perubahan bandwidth dari 120 MHz menjadi 100 MHz dan pergeseran frekuensi kerja dari 2,62 GHz menjadi 2,45 GHz. Perubahan ini disebabkan oleh perubahan induktasi antena dari 26,5872 nH menjadi 29,4467 nH dan perubahan kapasitansi antena dari 0,1389 pF menjadi 0,1435 pF. Hasil pemodelan telah memberikan sebuah formula empiris kaitan antara bandwidth dan frekuensi kerja dengan bentuk geometri antena bi-poligonal. ============================================================================================== Antenna characteristics are determined by the physical properties of the antenna material, the antenna structure and the antenna geometry. Various methods have been developed to obtain antenna characteristics. These methods can be in the form of simulation using a microstrip antenna design software such as CST or in the form of measuring the characteristics of an antenna design using measuring equipment such as a network analyzer. Both types of methods are basically trial- error methods. This is due to the lack of knowledge about the relationship between antenna characteristics and antenna parameters. In this dissertation research, we studied the relationship between antenna bandwidth and one of the antenna design parameters, namely its geometric structure. The aim of the dissertation research was to obtain a bandwidth characteristic of microstrip antennas based on different geometric structures. Two approaches were used in this research, namely the simulation method and the experimental method. For this purpose, we researched and analyzed the bandwidth of two geometric structures of microstrip antennas, namely the bi-quad structure and the bi-circular structure. The steps in the dissertation research were: (1) made a simulation of determining the bandwidth of bi-quad and bi-circular antennas, (2) fabricated the two antenna structures and measured their bandwidth using a network analyzer, (3) developed a bi-polygonal antenna model to obtain a formula for the relationship between the antenna geometry structure and its bandwidth and used simulation and measurement data to validate the model. The results of the application of the bi-polygonal antenna model on the design of bi-quad and bi-circular antennas have shown that the cause of changes in bandwidth and shifts in working frequency is a change in the inductance and capacitance values of the antenna due to changes in the geometry of the antenna design from bi-quad to bi-circular. The change in antenna geometry from bi-quad to bi-circular causes a change in bandwidth from 120 MHz to 100 MHz and a shift in the working frequency from 2.62 GHz to 2.45 GHz. This change is caused by a change in antenna inductance from 26.5872 nH to 29.4467 nH and a change in antenna capacitance from 0.1389 pF to 0.1435 pF. The modeling results have provided an empirical formula for the relationship between bandwidth and operating frequency with the geometry of a bi-polygonal antenn